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What are they?


The Graeco-Latin Squares are a puzzle that contains a frame that normally can contain 16 squares (4x4), which vary in quantity depending on the size of the puzzle.

For example, in a 4x4 there are 16 squares, 3x3 there are 9 squares...

These squares are the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 with 4 combinations of colours, and if it was 3x3, there would be numbers 1, 2 and 3 with 3 combinations of colours.

The objective of the puzzle is to put every piece without having them being in the same column or the same row as another square with the same number or colour.

Do you think you can do it?


What is its history?

The name of the mathematic problem was thought by a Swiss mathematician named Leonhard Euler, from the 18th century.

He used Latin and Greek letters in the place of numbers and colours, that's why it's named Greco-Latin Squares.


The puzzle

The puzzle consists on placing the squares so that they don't repeat their number or colour on the same row and column.

In total there are 576 results, and you can add more rules, like making it so you can't repeat the same colour or number in diagonal, and even add more squares! (5x5, 10x10, 25x25...)

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We have created a scratch version of this puzzle, if you want to try it out, click here.



Not only have we done it in 2D, we have also created it in 3D!

To download it, click here.

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Piezas para imprimir 3D

If you don't like these virtual versions, and you want to play it in your house, you can 3D print the pieces! These include the numbers in braille, geometric forms to classify the colours, and you can even print out the board.

To download the models, click here.

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